Checking my success
My images are classified as successful, if they make sense in terms of the theme i described. and whether or not they correspond with my chosen photographer. Though this may not seem clear, my photos do follow the photographers style. I've taken my photographs at a close angle to highlight the main object in the photo. furthermore, i have chosen a background which describes whats happening in the photo. however, having said that, the subject connotations may be quite complex for the viewer to up hold, as there is a broad selection, as to what the over all theme could be. Even so i would say that i was quite successful.
Edward Weston focused on form, and i have done the same. however looking in a more interpretive way. so the image is metaphorical, and in that sense the hand is objectified. this refers to form as the hand is seen as an object which is being used to open a cupboard. by taking the picture close up, the viewer is forced to focus on the hand, and from its surroundings its seen as more than just a hand.
The images of your hands are interesting, especially when photographed up close. Explain the connection to Weston. He was taking pictures of form. How do your photos do this. Also, what is your photograph SAYING? Add this to the post.